The Napa Sonoma Collaborative is an outreach effort of all the jurisdictions in Napa & Sonoma Counties
This effort includes all cities, towns, and the county to accelerate infill housing, support efforts for Affirmatively Furthering Fair Housing (AFFH), and reduce vehicle miles traveled (VMT).
Our goal is to make sure everyone is involved in shaping our shared future.
The Napa Sonoma Collaborative (NSC) is a shared effort among the region’s jurisdictions to help address the region's housing and climate challenges. The jurisdictions, by working together collaboratively, save money, time, and resources by sharing information and capacity. The goal is to maintain & facilitate relationships with non-profits, affordable housing advocates, climate advocates and key governmental organizations.
The Napa Sonoma Collaborative is not a nonprofit or organization, but a group of staff from all of Napa County and Sonoma County’s jurisdictions that have found they can do more together than apart when it comes to housing and climate policy.
Previously, the Collaborative supported the Let’s Talk Housing effort, which tried a new type of outreach across the two counties to coordinate community-specific processes and successfully supported municipalities in updating their housing elements. Now, VMT reductions and climate action planning will also be services supported through the Collaborative.
The goal is to expand who is heard in the community. It is more important than ever to hear from as many people as possible, so final plans match the needs of all community members.
Regional Early Action Planning (REAP) Grants of 2021
The Regional Early Action Planning (REAP) Grants of 2021, also known as REAP 2.0, build off of the 2019 program. REAP 2.0 is a flexible grant program that accelerates progress towards our state housing goals and climate commitments through a strengthened partnership between the state, its regions, and local entities. REAP 2.0 funds will accelerate infill housing development, reduce Vehicle Miles Traveled (VMT), increase housing supply at all affordability levels, affirmatively further fair housing (AFFH), and facilitate the implementation of adopted regional and local plans to achieve these goals. The Napa Sonoma Collaborative is made possible by funding from REAP 2.0.
Reach out to us using this form.
If you have questions about your community’s housing element, use the “Connect to your community” page.