The purpose of the Scoping meeting is to allow for interested parties to provide comments related to the preparation of an environmental impact report (EIR) for the Rohnert Park 2040 General Plan and 2023-2031 Housing Element. Background documents are available for review on the City’s General Plan Update webpage at: and the Housing Element webpage at:
The project that is the subject of the EIR has two interrelated components: 1. 2040 General Plan Update. The General Plan update addresses the current needs and preferences of the community. The Planning Area encompasses all lands within the current city limits plus lands within the City’s adopted Sphere of Influence and Urban Growth Boundary. The 2040 General Plan will be Rohnert Park’s updated long-term framework for future growth and development and represents the community’s view of its future and contains the goals and polices upon which the City Council and Planning Commission will base their land use and resource decisions in the future. To provide a contemporary plan that will guide the community to the year 2040, the General Plan is being updated to reflect changes in the community, new issues and opportunities, changes in State law, and new trends.
2. 2023-2031 Housing Element Update. The Housing Element update will address: the City’s housing needs; available sites and resources for housing; and, the goals of the Housing Element update. The Housing Element update will assess the housing needs of the City’s population based on its demographic characteristics and its existing housing inventory. The
Housing Element update will be based on the City’s latest RHNA estimates, which determined that the City needs to plan for approximately 1,580 residential units, plus a buffer of some number of units to ensure ongoing compliance with the No Net Loss provisions of State housing law. The City's existing housing inventory will be evaluated under requirements of State law to include specific requirements for lower income sites, addressing underutilized sites, use of mixed-use sites, demonstrating realistic capacity and meeting new requirements for the re-use of existing housing opportunity sites deemed beneficial by the City. The Housing Plan will identify any necessary amendments to the General Plan, Zoning Code, design guidelines, and other adopted local documents to achieve compliance with State law.
How to observe the Meeting:
Members of the public can observe the meeting on Cable Channel 26 or by visiting meeting central on our website
Participate in the Meeting by Providing Public Comment:
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Live verbal public comments may be made by members of the public joining the meeting via Zoom using the information provided above. The Recording Secretary will call on people to speak by name provided or last 4 digits of phone number for dial-in attendees. Use the “raise hand” feature (for those joining by phone, press *9 to “raise hand” and then *6 to unmute yourself) during the public comment period for the agenda item you wish to address.
Members of the public may also provide advanced comments by email at Comments are requested by 3:00 p.m. on the day of the meeting, but can be emailed until the close of the Agenda Item for which the comment is submitted. Email comments must identify the Agenda Item Number in the subject line of the email. The emails will not be read for the record but will be provided to the Commission. Please note that all e -mails sent to the Commission are considered to be public records and subject to disclosure under the California Public Records Act.